Dear Chloe Hannah,
Friendships can develop in so many different ways, places, and forms. This weekend, I spent time away with some of my favorite ladies. We actually met partly because of YOU! When you were born, we didn’t need a lot since you were the 2nd girl. We had clothes, crib, and nursery all set. I splurged on a special scrapbook that I bought from a friend. Well, that led to a new hobby and side-gig business! I was a consultant for Creative Memories for many years. I met these ladies through that, and we’re still friends 18 years or so later! We have raised all you kids, shared birthdays, moves, divorces, illnesses, and everything else friends do. Although we don’t get to see each other daily, we still even take an annual trip to the beach for a scrapbooking weekend. (And you know I have all the photo albums to prove it-ha!) This weekend, we celebrated one friends’ 50th birthday. The whole weekend I thought about how grateful I was to have friends to play games, eat, drink, talk, laugh, and take care of each other. It was such a generous and fun filled weekend!
I also thought about how grateful I was for the weekend before! That’s the weekend you and your college friends came to Disney and spent the night. I loved seeing you girls laughing and talking and really enjoying each other. It made me so excited about you having such special friendships. I got up and made you breakfast, got lots of hugs, and off you all went. My heart was happy knowing that you were off to school with such lovely people surrounding you. My hope is that these will be some of your own special, lifelong friends.
And one more special part of friendship we shared: both our weekends were at Disney! You’re right: you’re never too old for Disney!
Love you the most,