Family Weekend
As we returned home from family weekend, I felt mixed emotions. I’m always sad as I enter the house, as I walk past your empty room first. Always a thought of you. Then I reviewed photos and thought back over the weekend. I felt thankful that you and your roommate get along so well. I felt all the fun we had with family friends from home who also have gator students. I felt safe that your dorm is right next to the campus security office and the hospital. I felt reassured that you’re eating, finding your way around, and making friends. I felt grateful that your best friend from home lives directly downstairs from you. I felt excited that you were selected to pledge a sorority, and bonus points that it’s the same as your aunt. I felt conflicted by my Seminole heart that you are a very happy gator student. I felt appreciation that you had a successful high school career that afforded you scholarships. I felt old that my baby girl is old enough to be in college. I felt curious to see your brother with you and wondered what he must think of all this. I felt love and friendship that you have a supportive boyfriend whose family joined us to love on you. I felt SO very much love for you and all that you’ve created for your new home-away-from-home. I felt blessed as obviously God is looking after you. I felt an enormous amount of pride for my very special Gator Girl!
I love you the most!