As you settle in our new home
October 30, 2019
Dear mom,
I’m sorry. I’m sorry I haven’t called you as much as we both had hoped. I’m sorry I don’t take pictures to share with you at my sorority functions. I hope you know its because I’m having so much fun I don’t think about pausing to capture the moment. Especially at our last function, eighth grade me was too busy screaming at the top of her lungs the moment 5 Seconds of Summer came on stage to play “Amnesia.” Too busy to take a picture. Next time I’ll try to remember though. For you and for my instagram feed that’s looking a little bare.
I know I haven’t asked much, but I hope you’re enjoying the new house. I know you were excited to finally have internet in the house. I imagine you were struggling through your #firstworldproblems. I think using a hashtag in the middle of a sentence is truly a first world problem, or maybe just a Gen Z problem.
From what I’ve seen, on the outside and through pictures, the house looks beautiful. I’m sure you’ve already settled in and made it a home. Just about 5 weeks and I’ll know what it’s like to sleep in our new home. Surrounded by the turtles, cranes, owls, bats, and nature. I guess now we’re going to have to be “nature people.”
I love you the most, even when you’ve chosen a new house and welcomed new “pets.”
Sincerely for now,
Your Daughter